Friday, October 3, 2008

My Head Hurts

"I try not to talk to people I have nothing to say to" - Farrah.

I know this makes sense in theory. It is almost not worth saying, but when she said it about the {i am on the fence about that one} one, a light bulb went off. I have a tendency to patronize people who I have little to nothing to say to. I don't like people like that, but feel the need to come up with great conversation pieces just for the hell of it. Why you ask? Because I thought I was a people pleaser. "Let me go out with the {up to my ankles} one, one more time just in case the last 5 times didn't prove to me that the words that we wish were there are not and therefore I don't like him like that."

I want to talk to Noelani and she has been busy. I haven't called her as much as I should I guess. I wanted her to call me.

I am an interesting breed, I know. I've been told on several occasions, that I am quirky. I spent the better part of the first 18 thinking about every minute detail of non-sense.

I have spent the last 3 days recovering from a cold after I left my self susceptible to a cold. I am going to lay down tonight. I am watching SATC, eating Indian, drink a cup of tea and trying not to call any of the men I don't have anything to say to.

Watch one of them nicca's text me some bull shit about "I miss you". I'll delete the text and be sad that it is not a guy I would actually like to see.

Go with me for a sec... to that place where you run home to get ready for the evening out, to the place that feels like you are levitating because the love is oh-so-sweet. Oh....... dear God how I dream of conversation that lasts until wee hours. As I typed those last words, I got a flutter in my stomach because I remembered the last time. I am unsure where he is and some days where I am, but in that moment I dreamed of clear thoughts, open hearts, and satisfaction unspoken.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I luv that pic of Noelani. Can't wait until she's here in December.