Thursday, August 21, 2008

peanut days

You ever have those days where you are not anything... not happy, nor sad, not upset or bothered... just. That is me today. I am having a peanut day. I actually haven't figured out the correlation, but there is one there... I promise. I feel like I'm in a "non-thinking" place. Which is so great to me. It's interesting "thinking". It is the same record over and over, but with no solution.

I had a business meeting last night. I love that feeling right before movement starts in the morning, where all you hear is wind and a few birds. I love that. For a moment, you can ignore the pink elephant in the room that you should be dealing with and sit and ponder whether you can afford to buy a ticket to see your parents and whether you should in fact get up and go for a run this morning because you won't feel up to it after that event and whether I care that much that {other color} one did not call me back. I don't and its not personal, I'll go for a run when I go for a run, I'll see Pam and Ernest sooner or later, and that issue... I think too much, remember, it probably isn't really an "issue" to begin with.

I'm off to a fashion event at Home this evening. I have no expectations, because I haven't thought about it. This usually equals fun. Janette is rolling with me. I enjoy her. She is not quite Noelani, but that one friend you can tell ANYTHING to... I could tell her I killed the {young} one in a fit of rage after he refused to validate my feelings and she would say... I have a place in Bed Stuy we could bury the body. I just finished my last peanut. I'm currently working on that baby weight. Damn that last trimester.

1 comment:

Violet said...

U already know! I have an abandoned brownstone... perfect place to hide the body. LOL Listen, don't get me arrested from this blog. Officer... the only thing I'm guilty of is utilizing my natural herbal resources. hahaha speaking of... pass that please! Nah... I got shit to do today, but later... Later, I'll take a hit, but just one.